A Message From Our Leadership:

Dan Bennett, President and CEO, Vic Ribaudo, Board Chair
With great pleasure, we present the 2022 Gifford Health Care Annual Report to our communities. The last year saw many continued struggles in the health care industry, but with the help of dedicated staff and solid connections to neighboring organizations, Gifford’s commitment to care for the community never wavered. In this report, you’ll read examples of success stories and learn more about some of our community partners that help accomplish Gifford’s mission.
In 2022 Gifford updated its strategic plan, with an emphasis on two major initiatives. We are making a commitment to population health through investments in infrastructure. That means the implementation of a new Electronic Medical Record system that will streamline our processes and communication. We will be able to provide better access to information that we will use to proactively engage our patients with activities to help them maintain or improve their health.

Gifford’s Volunteer Board of Directors
Back Row L-R: Sarah Jackson, Morgan Rilling, Megan O’Brien, DNP, Lincoln Clark, Peter Reed, Rick Hauser, Dan Bennett; Front Row L-R: Theron Manning, Vic Ribaudo, Todd Winslow,Kristin Chandler, Jody Davignon, Megan Cicio
During 2022, we hosted in-person community listening tours in four Gifford communities where people could share feedback with our senior leaders and board members. The information received in these gatherings influences how we will operate this year and into the future. We plan on another listening tour in 2023.
The only way we accomplish our mission is with a team of dedicated Gifford employees and providers. We continue to invest in their well-being and training to ensure Gifford remains able to serve the needs of our communities.
After a couple of years of social distancing and masking, we have finally emerged from the pandemic happy to see faces again. Our team may be shorthanded but we remain fully devoted to the health of our community. Being able to meet with you once again and talk about the health issues we face, is a privilege we share with our wonderful team at Gifford.
We wish you the best in 2023 and hope we see you soon.
In gratitude,
Dan Bennett, President and CEO
Vic Ribaudo, Board Chair