It has been a difficult year for the Frey Family of Montpelier. Jamie and her husband, Andrew lost their daughter Hadleigh just a couple of days after her birth.
“We think about our time with her often,” Andrew said.
During those short two days with Hadleigh, the only thing Andrew and Jamie could do was read to her. They noticed the library at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center had a small library where families could borrow books. With Hadleigh’s one-year birthday approaching, Andrew and Jamie wanted to do something to honor her memory. They decided to start a small library of their own, at Gifford’s Birthing Center. The Frey’s son, John was born at Gifford. Hadleigh was also born at Gifford before being transported to DHMC.
“We were so grateful for all the care we’ve been shown here,” Andrew said. “This hospital is very special to us, so we reached out to see if this is something Gifford would be willing to do. We were overjoyed when they said yes.”
The Frey’s brought their idea of a small library to Jenny Davis, Birthing Center Manager at Gifford.
“We’re just really thrilled,” Jenny said. “It’s such a kind thing to do for other people.”
The next step was to find a place for the library and design how it would look. Jenny and Birthing Center Nurse, Kim Summers a small shelf on a purple wall, just a few feet away from the nurse’s station.
“I don’t think we could have found a better location for Hadleigh’s Library,” Jenny said.
Then, while looking through the Birthing Center for items they could use to decorate the wall, Jenny and Kim came across a purple butterfly quilted picture. This symbolic piece now hangs above the shelf.
“When you turn the corner and see the purple wall and the butterfly, we really felt it was perfect,” Andrew said. “We really feel we see Hadleigh and she visits us in butterflies, so this is special.”
On Wednesday, April 13, Hadleigh’s first birthday, the Freys checked out Hadleigh’s Library at the Birthing Center. But they didn’t come alone. The Freys brought 150 books with them. The books were donated by friends and family after the Frey’s created a wish list on Amazon.
“When you’re having a new baby, there are lists of what you need to bring to the hospital and I can’t remember any of those lists mentioning books,” Andrew said. “Sharing that joy of reading from day 1 is so important and now, new parents can now take books back to their rooms to read to their child. They can also take the books home with them too as another memento from their time at the birthing center.”
Through reading books like, Little Blue Truck and Goodnight Moon, Andrew and Jamie Frye were able to cherish their memories with Hadleigh and through this donation, they’re able to keep her spirit alive.
Local Lions Club also Makes Donation
As part of their winter service project, members of the Strafford and Area Lions Club knitted blankets and infant-sized clothing. During the first month of April, the group dropped off many of those items at Gifford’s Birthing Center.
“We are so appreciative of their work and these items will get plenty of use,” Jenny Davis said. “Families are so grateful to receive these.”