Keeping the focus on the essential work of providing care, from housekeeping to inpatient care
Who We Are
Providers, staff share why they choose Gifford
Leading by Example
Spotlights on antibiotic stewardship, awards, new technology
Healthier Together
Gifford amplifies community outreach with RiseVT
Many Hands
Gifford Auxiliary fuels development
Primary Care
‘Proud to be part of the community’
Energy Efficiency
A #GreenerGifford strengthens our bottom line
Healthier Together
Our partnerships make us better
General Surgery
New faces revitalize team
Birthing Center Anniversary
Celebrating New Life: 40 Years and 11,000 Births
Community Outreach
A Seamless Web of Community Partnership
“Gold Standard” Technology and Tests Support Patient Care
A Widening Scope of Wrap-around Services