RANDOLPH, Vt.,— Artist Claudia Peterson McCullough’s watercolor paintings are now on display in the Gifford Gallery at Gifford Medical Center. This month’s featured artist has been doing commission artwork for the past 30 years in the New England area.
Claudia graduated from Simmons College in Boston with a degree in Graphic Design and Illustration. She also was a regular student at the Worcester Art Museum School, taking classes in areas of painting, pottery and portraiture with an emphasis on oil and watercolor.
“My style is realistic, with an impressionistic flair,” Claudia says.
During her senior year of high school, Claudia created the POW/MIA flag.
“The VFW in Westboro, MA asked if I would do some sketches for a flag that Vietnam War Veterans were trying to create. I did this and then saw it proudly flying in the center of my downtown!”
Claudia completed her first children’s book, doing both the writing and illustrating and is an art instructor. All of Claudia’s exhibited art is for sale.