Provider Directory:

Rebecca Winokur, MD, MPH
Gifford Primary Care – Family Medicine
44 South Main Street
Randolph, VT 05060
Phone: (802) 728-2445
Fax: (802) 728-2115
Gifford Primary Care – Internal Medicine
44 South Main Street
Randolph, VT 05060
Phone: (802) 728-2428
Fax: (802) 728-2489
Dr. Winokur serves on the Primary Care team in Randolph. She describes her philosophy of care as holistic and collaborative: “My role is to partner with my patients and work closely with the entire care team. I believe in whole-person care, centering each patient and their unique situations, empowering them to set and meet their health and wellness goals.”
Health equity is also top of mind for Dr. Winokur. She’s always felt drawn to ensuring everyone has access to high-quality care in their communities.
Provider Details
Primary Care
Sports Medicine
BA, Colby College, Waterville, Maine
MPH, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
MS, Boston University School of Medicine
MD, Larner College of Medicine, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.
Sports Medicine, Maine Medical Center, Portland, Maine
University of Vermont Medical Center, Burlington, Vt.
Joined staff in 2025* This provider is an FQHC provider