RANDOLPH, Vt.— Gifford staff members are wearing pink on Friday, October 21 to remind women about the importance of getting their annual mammogram during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society estimates there will be 630 new female breast cancer cases and 80 deaths from breast cancer in Vermont this year. While it is the most common cancer diagnosis for women in the state, it can be treated very well if found early.
Gifford General Surgeon Dr. Dawn Holman, who has a clinical interest in breast surgery, encourages women to get their mammograms, starting at the age of 40, and annually, continuing until much later in life. During Breast Cancer Awareness month, Gifford usually sees an increase in mammograms compared to other months during the year.
“The procedure isn’t as painful as it once was,” Dr. Holman said. “There aren’t any big, heavy lead plates. New technology also allows us a 3D view of the breast as opposed to a static image. This is advantageous for younger women with dense, heavy breast tissue.”
Dr. Holman also performs stereotactic breast biopsies, which are less invasive for the patient.
“Women used to need an incisional biopsy just to get a diagnosis. Now, we can get the diagnosis and perform the appropriate, definitive surgery all at once,” Dr. Holman said.
One in eight women or 12% of all women across the country is going to get breast cancer at some time in their life. Women who only have cancer in the breast, have a 98% five-year survival rate. So detecting any issues early is vitally important. Contact Gifford’s radiology department at (802) 728-2214 and schedule your mammogram today.
To learn more from Dr. Holman, you can read her blog and listen to the latest edition of The Gifford Provider Podcast.