Concerts in the Park: Larry Brassard

Gifford Green 44 South Main St., Randolph

Our free, family-friendly series features a different band weekly, July 9 – July 30, and includes picnic-inspired refreshments for sale by area nonprofit organizations. Food starts at 5:30 p.m.; music from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Friends and neighbors are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and blankets for an evening of fun, food, and music on […]

Concerts in the Park: Something Reckless

Gifford Green 44 South Main St., Randolph

Our free, family-friendly series features a different band weekly, July 9 – July 30, and includes picnic-inspired refreshments for sale by area nonprofit organizations. Food starts at 5:30 p.m.; music from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Friends and neighbors are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and blankets for an evening of fun, food, and music on […]

Concerts in the Park: 4Play

Gifford Green 44 South Main St., Randolph

Our free, family-friendly series features a different band weekly, July 9 – July 30, and includes picnic-inspired refreshments for sale by area nonprofit organizations. Food starts at 5:30 p.m.; music from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Friends and neighbors are encouraged to bring lawn chairs and blankets for an evening of fun, food, and music on […]

Event Series VeggieVanGo


Area community members in need of food assistance are invited to pick up free vegetables and fruits from VeggieVanGo from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of every month. In addition to free produce, VeggieVanGo events at Gifford include tastings, recipes, preparation tips and cooking demonstrations, as well as additional information and […]

Last Mile Bicycle Ride

Saturday, Aug. 10 – Bicycle Ride: The Last Mile bicycle ride, featuring road and gravel routes, begins at 9 a.m. with registration starting at 8:30 a.m. at the Randolph Recreation Field. Registration is $25 per person and includes snacks and water.Funds raised help families and their loved ones who are at the end of life […]

Event Series Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class

Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class

Gifford is offering FREE childbirth classes, facilitated by Laura Pascoe, Evidence Based Birth® instructor. Hybrid classes combine self-paced content with live weekly mentorship (virtual and in-person). The six-week series will begin and end with an in-person meeting held in the Gifford Conference Center in Red Clover (weeks 1 and 6). Classes will meet virtually for […]

Last Mile 5K Run and Walk

Friday, Aug. 16 – 5K Run and Walk: The Last Mile 5K run and walks begin at 6 p.m. with registration starting at 4:30 p.m. at Gifford Medical Center. Registration is $25 per person and includes pizza and other refreshments as well as live music. Participants are encouraged to create teams with friends and family.Funds […]

Last Mile Motorcycle Ride

Saturday, Aug. 17 – Motorcycle Ride: Registration for the motorcycle ride begins at 8:30 a.m. at Gifford. The entrance fee is $50 per driver, $75 per driver and passenger, and includes breakfast and a barbecue lunch. The ride, which starts at 10 a.m., takes participants on an 80-mile journey through central Vermont.Funds raised help families […]

FREE Skin Cancer Screenings

Gifford Medical Center 44 South Main Street, Randolph, Vermont

Emily Swint, PA-C, will be offering free skin cancer screenings by appointment on Friday, Aug. 30, at Gifford's Specialty Clinic in Randolph. These private, full-body screenings aim to identify any problem areas that may require follow-up care. Open to all Gifford and non-Gifford patients. To schedule an appointment, please call Kathrine Baumann at 802-728-2377.

Event Series Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class

Evidence Based Birth® Childbirth Class

Gifford is offering FREE childbirth classes, facilitated by Mary Etna Haac, Evidence Based Birth® instructor. Hybrid classes combine self-paced content with live weekly mentorship (virtual and in-person). The six-week series will begin and end with an in-person meeting held in the Gifford Conference Center in Red Clover (weeks 1 and 6). Classes will meet virtually […]

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