A Self-Management Program to help you get more active, lose weight, and decrease your risk of getting diabetes.
What the program offers: Education and support to help you adopt healthier eating and exercise habits that can lead to weight loss and reduce your risk of getting diabetes.
Participants meet once a week virtually for the first 16 weeks, and then meet every other week, and then monthly for a total of 25 sessions over a year.
There are two FREE upcoming workshops available:
To Register: visit myhealthyvt.org
Monday, January 10, 2022
5-6 p.m.
Leader: Walter Ziske – in partnership with CVMC
Thursday, January 13, 2022
2-3 p.m.
Leader: Cynthia Thurston
For More Information: contact Noreen Fordham, MA
(802) 728-7714