A Message From Our Leadership

Michael Costa, President and CEO
Since 1903, Gifford has continuously evolved to meet the needs of our patients and community. The Gifford we know today is a result of ongoing reinvention. Our beloved birthing center was established in our seventh decade, and the Robin’s Nest opened just over 35 years ago. In 2014, we became a federally qualified health center.
The past year has brought even more change. Gifford welcomed new leadership at both the executive level and on our Board of Directors. Additionally, the State of Vermont announced the end of its decade-long
commitment to Accountable Care Organizations and indicated plans to evaluate the state’s entire health system through the Oliver Wyman report. Meanwhile, a new federal administration signals further changes ahead. Gifford will adapt to meet the moment. To remain independent and financially strong in the long term, we must redefine ourselves. We are not alone in this work—every rural healthcare organization and community is grappling with how to survive and thrive. Together, we’re rethinking what it means to redefine rural. Our next phase begins with a clear-eyed view of the data and a commitment to improving our performance.
While much is changing, one thing remains constant: our unwavering commitment to serving everyone in our community. Dr. John Gifford founded what would become Gifford Health Care in 1903. Over the years, we’ve weathered two world wars, global pandemics, and countless other challenges. Our story is one of ordinary Vermonters working together to do extraordinary things for over a century. Our dedication to meeting our community’s needs has never wavered—and it never will.
It is our great honor to lead Gifford Health Care. We know that if we stay
positive, focused, and committed to our mission, that Gifford will thrive for many years to come.
In gratitude,
Michael Costa, President and CEO